Digital 2011: Asia Regional Overview

The social, digital and mobile landscape in Asia changes on an almost daily basis, and keeping up to date with this evolution can be quite a challenge.

As a result, many marketers have similar questions:

  • Do Chinese netizens prefer Renren or Sina Weibo?

  • What's the internet penetration in India?

  • How much of Indonesia's social media use comes from mobile?

We've noticed that it's increasingly difficult to find recent and reliable answers to these questions in just one place, so we've decided to launch our own series of regular reports that answer as many of these questions as possible with accurate, up-to-date information from a range of trusted partners.

Today, we're delighted to share the first of these reports with you: an introduction to the digital landscape across the Asia-Pacific region in late 2011, complete with an overview of the key numbers for each of Asia’s 24 countries.

A few highlights to begin with:

  • There are at least 750million social media users across Asia in December 2011;

  • Three quarters of Asia's population has a mobile phone;

  • More than two thirds of Asia's internet users access the web via mobile devices;

You'll find many more valuable nuggets in the full report above (click here if that’s not working for you).

And don't worry if you need more data on a specific Asian country too – we'll be following this article with more individual country reports over the next few days, so check back for in-depth profiles of ChinaIndiaIndonesiaJapan, and 20 other Asian countries.

In the meantime, click here if you’d like to download a free PDF of the complete Asia report (you may need to sign in to SlideShare first).

This article first appeared on the We Are Social blog.